Sunday, May 19, 2013

Are You an Endomorph?

There are three body types the endomorph, the ectomorph, and the mesomorph. The description for each is:

The Endomorph body type:
Tends to have a slow metabolism, has difficulty losing weight but gains weight easily, has a good amount of muscle, may be insulin-resistant and generally is classified as a pear shape or hourglass. If this describes you, then you are an endomorph.
The Ectomorph body type:
Tends to be rather than and have little muscle tone, has a fast metabolism (one of those people who can eat anything and not gain an ounce), may be tall with small bone structure.
The Mesomorph body type:
The mesomorph is a combination of the other two types, gains and loses weight easily, builds muscle quickly, tends to be more muscular and athletic with a well proportioned body.
In a study done by the Journal of the American Medical Association, 31% of Americans are considered to be obese and 65% are classified as being overweight. Other studies have also been done linking obesity with soda consumption and the westernized diet. Other countries like Japan and China, whose population has always been small framed and thin began gaining weight and having health problems like heart disease after adopting our style of fast food restaurant.
I speak from experience as I am a classic endomorph myself. I was overweight as a child and pretty much all through school. Kids can be very cruel to each other, especially when you hit high school. High school is hell for an overweight teenage girl. I began looking into the research findings on weight and body type, to find out if this could be the reason I was having trouble with my weight. And I discovered that it was.
I have always had trouble losing weight, I will share with you what worked for me and works for others with this same body type. These suggestions are based on requirements for the endomorph body type, but will work for others too.
How can you tell for sure if you are an endomorph:
Well an endomorph body like mine tends to carry more weight without looking fat, I am short and 150 pounds is my "normal body weight". My normal clothing size is a 12 although I went up to a size 16 and 206 pounds at my highest weight. Most people who guessed my weight always guessed low because I didn't look like I weighed over 200 pounds even though I looked overweight. My body is proportionate and I carry my weight all over.
So it is a given that sugary soda and fast food are not good for you and they are not good for your diet either. Endomorph body types who consume large amounts of soda and typically eat fast food will find themselves on the road to becoming obese. For the endomorph body type, consuming large amounts of carbohydrates in the form of soda, pasta and potatoes will cause your insulin-resistant body to gain weight quickly and have trouble losing it. Here are a few tips from weight loss and nutrition experts that will help people with this body type to lose weight and keep it off.

1 comment:

  1. Great attractive and informative story, i got huge of important idea from your post. A big thanks for sharing with us !!
